Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Fall Decorating

Autumn is the most beautiful, most spectacular season of the year. There is nothing that compares to the crisp fall air and the spectacular views of changing leaves, and it is a time when the inside of my house becomes an empty template ready for some autumn decor.

Decorating for such a wonderful season as autumn does not mean going to the local craft store and stocking up on the latest craft items, which many have little time to do. It simply means keep it simple and fun. Here are some tips to coming up with ways to decorate rooms in your home with fall sights, colors, and smells, without overspending time or money.

Fall Candles

Every autumn, the stores stock up on the most delicious smelling candles and unique seasonal candle holders. Candles not only provide light for those unexpected power outages, they can also be used as a way to fill a room with warm seasonal smells. With the right candle holder, they can be enticing to the eyes and the nose.

A popular trend is cutting the top center part of an apple out and placing a tealight inside. Another is going outside, collecting leaves and placing them on a glass luminary or candle holder, with a candle inside. This causes the leaves to glow from the candle light. [Beware of the fire hazard, please!]

These are both great ideas for everyone because all of these items are simple, use every day items one can find at a grocery store or a local shopping center, and they will not cause you to go broke. These items can be used as centerpieces, window decorations, or in family rooms on top book shelves.

One type of candle I would suggest buying is an aroma melt holder, and find fragrances to fit the season. An aroma melt is a two part system, tealight on bottom and block or half ball of wax on top. One aroma melt can fill a room with fragrance in a matter of minutes, and it makes a great window or shelf decorating piece. Some companies sell seasonal aroma melts holders and aroma melts that are perfect for holiday decorating.

Another way to create fabulous fall sights and smells is collect some leaves from outside, set them on a shelf, a window, or make them a centerpiece, and place a fall scented candle on top of the natural fallen leaves. [Beware of the fire hazard, please! Be sure to use a candle in a jar, or even wipe the leaves with water a bit, or just place the leaves around a jar candle, beware of fire hazard when using candles always.]

One last idea is to find an autumn colored charger, or a small mirror, to place different height pillar candles on to create a nice reflective glow.

There are hundreds of ways to create a lovely seasonal atmosphere with candles, just be creative, keep it low stress, and enjoy filling the house with smells of autumn.

Decorating for Fall With Items From the Grocery Store and Items at Home

OK, as I have said and will continue to say, keep decorating simple and creative. Using items in the house, along with items from the local grocery store, can add easy, inexpensive fall ambiance in any home.

Let's start talking decorating with less thought using items such as candy, hand and dish soap, and paper towels. Yes, hand and dish soap and paper towels can all add an unexpected touch of autumn in the home. Many hand and dish soaps come in autumn colors such as orange and yellow, and in many cases paper towels with fall leaves or some sort of fall print are sold each autumn season. All one has to do is buy dish liquid and fall paper towels and your kitchen will have an instant touch of fall, and if having the liquid soap in the original container is a no-no, just buy a simple dispenser to put it in and place it on the sink.

Autumn candy hits the stores at the end of August now. Go ahead, grab some. Find some glass bowls or the glass pumpkin dish, or even a basket and pour autumn colored candy into it. This is easy, a no brainer, no worries, and is a great coffee table or book shelf piece. If you are like me, it may even be a nightstand piece.

Last but not least are the most obvious grocery store items of all, the seasonal foods. Pumpkins, squash, nuts, and Indian corn are fantastic decorating pieces that are always in season this time of year and will never go out of style. Place some nuts around a cut out pumpkin with some holes and a candle inside to make a simple festive center piece. Grab some Indian corn and a pumpkin and place them on a window sill or a table, or simply grab some fallen leaves on your way into the house and place a pumpkin on top of them to create an easy no problem center piece.

Finally, when strolling through the grocery store, think about how you can decorate and shop for meals in one trip.

Easy Fall Color Decorating Tips

One of the best things about fall is the colors. Nothing says fall like oranges, golden browns, soft yellows, and some red. Decorating the house can be as easy as changing a room color or the drapes. If one wants to redecorate the bathroom, try painting it a nice fall color and adding a rug and plain or decorative hand towel to match.

If one wants to turn a bedroom into a fall paradise, find some fall colored bed sheets, place a few fall scented candles in the room, maybe a pumpkin, and change the drapes. For added effect, use pillows and sheets alternating in colors such as yellow and orange on the bed. Place a bowl of autumn colored candy on the night stand and in less than thirty minutes, the bedroom can be a fall get away.

To add fall to the walls without changing the paint, go outside and collect leaves. Grab some picture frames. Place the leaves between some clear sticky laminated paper, and frame them. Hang them on the walls and there is an instant touch of fall.

Keep an open mind.

Enjoy Decorating for Fall

Overall, have fun decorating for this beautiful season. Just because your idea might not be what you see on a magazine cover does not mean it is not a good idea. Let the creativity flow. Come up with fun, new ideas that work for you and enjoy using what this awesome season of color has to offer, and remember to keep it low stress. Have a blast and enjoy being creative.

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