Thursday, May 21, 2015

Autumn Dreaming

Autumn Dreaming

It's Hot, almost summer, gorgeous out and yet, this autumn lover is already thinking of Fall. Perhaps it is the fact fall items keep popping up. Just the other day while cleaning, coupons for autumn candles from Bath and Body Work along with Fall sweater sales at JC Penney's showed up and to add to it all, pumpkin spice coffee was found on the shelf at a favorite grocery store and a local grocery chain still has pumpkin rolls and pumpkin strudel.... yum! With all this teasing, it is near impossible not to think of the most colorful season of the year (even though summer is awesome). However, it may not be autumn but it will be very soon, therefore, now is the perfect time to clean out the old and find some new decorations, dishware, rugs, and even food for fall.

Spring/Summer is the perfect time to have yard sales which makes it a good time to sell holiday/seasonal items. Buyers seem to be drawn to such items, especially during the off months. Some popular items to sale would be:
  • Rugs (hand on a linen or towel rack so it gets peoples attention, if able)
  • Ornaments
  • Fake Trees
  • Lights
  • Seasonal Candles and Candle Holders (people really do love seasonal candles)
  • Dishware
  • Any Decorations our craft items
  • Autumn shoes and clothing
It is strange to think, sometimes, that folks would purchase fall clothing in the summer, but there are families who look for kids clothes and even fall items for themselves at thrift shops and yard sales all summer long. Dishware and glasses are always popular since many people decorate their tables at holiday meals and if they can find some dishware or serving dishes that are festive and decently priced, the chances of them buying it is high.

One seasonal item that seems to always sale, be it autumn or Christmas, is candles and candle holders. A tip: Place on a table covered with a tablecloth. Use sturdy boxes or crate to create layers, place some holders with candles in them (not burning) on the boxes and arrange so that it really catches the eye.

On average, many personal summer yard sales yield anywhere from $120 to $300, depending on items available and on sign placement. The goal is not only to make some extra money but to make room for the other seasonal items that will soon make their way into the home.

If a yard sale just seems like too much, decide on items to take to thrift shops or to donate to a charity, rearrange the always stuffed holiday closet and make room for items that way. Happy Fall Ya'll!!!!